Thursday 4 March 2010

Final continuity piece

Four main ideas for final concept

Idea one

*Nightmare. A male wakes up then watches the television.

*Alone in the house.

*Male answers the doorbell that rings.

*Someone suddenly leaves a dead body hanging.

*The television turns fuzzy so the male turns it off.

*He sees a figure in he reflection of the television screen.

*There is a reflection of the figure coming towards him from behind.


A guy who is afraid of the dark.

He keeps the lamp on with him.

Starts off in a dream.

He is in his house with a killer somewhere.

Every nightmare he has he finds out what is going to happen, similar to a flashback with each flashback connecting to every nightmare that occurs.

Phones do not work and the television flickers on and off.

One person gets killed one by one in every nightmare the male encounters.

In the end there is a twist. The male victim is the actual killer himself.

He does not know he is being possessed.

The reason for him being possessed is to combat his fear of the dark. The male thinks his phobia is curing when really it has been cured by killing people.

The people he kills in his nightmares are victims themselves. These victims were targets of his uncle who was in fact a murderer.

Idea two

Opening scene:

*Walking down the corridors in the college with someone following character B.

*Character B goes home and receives anonymous phonecall from character A.

*Phonecalls become disturbing and violet, which shakens character B and starts panicking.

*Character B Begins to lock the windows and doors suddenly at a rush and panick. You hear the heart beat and how the tense the scene is. Getting very dark and misery.

*Then a knock on the window with blood covered with it like someone got stabbed and need character B's help.

*Character B looks out of the window after opening the curtains

*At the end of the scene character B sees a man standing there staring at the house with a cut of head in his left-hand and a kitchen knife on the other.

*Then suddenly the heart beats become faster... then slows down but however character B wakes up from a terrible nightmare, however seeing his hand covered in blood he starts panicking and screams.

Plot of the whole story:

*Normal Day at college finishing very late due to detention

*Going through the corridors at a fast pace due to the darkness.

*Getting scared

*Alone in the college getting spooked. Teacher is away for a long time.

*Goes to find the teacher sees the teacher having some kind of fit on the floor.

*Character B tries to save the teacher, but the teacher dies.

*Trapped in the college.

*No signal on the fone. Phones switches off and don't turn on

*Teacher becomes possessed with evil spirits

*Character B goes to find the teacher but however the teacher is not there but vanished.

*Character B tries to get out of the college and tries everything but thinks its another nightmare.

Idea three

Opening scene:

*Guy enters gym for a work-out after finishing college or something

*Guy is mid-way through work-out in gym then he receives a anonymous fone call

*He gets a phonecall from a mysterious person

*Conversation continues dramatically until up to a point where guy enters a phase where the guy is creeped out/ becoming vulnerable. He was composed before then.

*Suddenly the treadmill turns off.

*The guy gets scared.

*Lights starts flickering.

*Guy walks over to the window to look.

*(Having a medium shot) of what he sees outside the window.

*Film whats outside from the window.

*Sees a person appearing outside the window

*Then suddenly look back and looks back at the window by opening his eyes then no one is there.

*Turns around slowly and someone grabs him and takes a picture on his phone and the person falls on the floor with a picture on the phone

*Something has really gone wrong now...

Plot of whole story:

*Detective comes to the murder scene and take the phone as evidence. There is something mysterious of phone calls and pictures in the film.

*The film follows the detectives trying to find the killer or mysterious person in the photo the killer leaves behind after a phone call threat.

*However, the killer suspects that detectives are following him and kills their family members as a warning to the detectives to stop following him.

Idea four

*A corrupted child (aged 7) with an unloving childhood.

*Flashbacks show incidents that happend in the past of his troubled life.

*Throughout his childhood the man has been controlled by paranormal beings. (Possessed)

*As a result of this, the individual is taken away to mental hospital after abnormal behavior is detected by neighbours and passers by on regular occasions.

*10 years later (aged 17), the individual is released from the mental hospital as he has been seen as sane to leave after many tests by doctors are performed.

*However, this is the plan of the individual as it is all an act.

*He begins possesing the minds of strangers and passers by for his own entertainment.

*The insane character then finally begins to go back to his family home (they are unaware of his release from mental hospital), and begin tormenting their lives as sort of revenge of his awful childhood.

*Many family members turn against each other as their minds are possessed.

In the end, our group decided to choose idea one as the main concept to use to produce the final continuity piece. I felt that the history connected with the male character's uncle spurred our intentions to developing into a storyline, which stretched on for the duration of the film opening. This concept is central to what we hope would happen in the production. However the ideas we wrote that surrounded the core idea might change in the final media product. For example one of our two locations is going to take place in an underground area beneath a spaghetti junction. If the area closed due to construction work being done to improve the area, we have to decide on the alternative setting we can use to back up our primary choice in case of any delays to filming our camera shots in our chosen locations. I feel that the ideas that were developed around our main idea may change in our final product, but the central idea that triggered the added details which surround the main concept would still be present.
The other ideas had plots which had limited potential with the bland storyline to expand and improve the character's development. For the first idea the link with the male character's uncle having a history of murder and violence allowed me to explore how this link can affect the male's mental state of mind. By developing the relationship between the male and his uncle, we extend the longevity of our storyline, therefore adding depth to create more precursors for the audience to start asking questions about it.

Idea one:

Mark is a vulnerable young man of eighteen years of age who tends to think he is capable of being independent without the support of his parents. However he face no option but to fend for himself; work on daily shifts to earn the most basic form of income to help feed himself and to prevent the house from deteriorating.
He has had a history of committing acts of violence. At the age of twelve he was involved in an attempted demolishing of a newsagents store along with his older brother, Frank, and his group of friends. He served twenty-eight days in a juvenile institution with 200 hours of community service mounted on top.
Three years later, his twenty-two year old brother left England in search of a better life in Yorkshire where his uncle (on his father's side) owned a farming industry. At fifteen, Mark played a part in a riot that took place in South East London during protests. The considerable amount of damage inflicted was believed to be worth around £400 million pounds. Since he previously committed an offence, his imprisonment in a juvenile was meant to last for two years but charges were dropped against him due to the lack of evidence given of his involvement at the time. Mark's parents divorced afterwards and abandoned him at his home.
His uncle, Jeremy, was arrested for manslaughter of his Britsh associates and he committed suicide whilst serving a lifetime prison sentence. Jeremy possesses Mark to murder the remaining associates on his 'list' as revenge for betraying his loyalty in the attempt to invest money away from his farming business.
Mark's history of violence has shaped him the way he is now both psychologically and physically.
He looks for a new start to avoid the person he once was, but the spirit of his uncle continued to control his mind and make Mark commit the illegal acts that brought him to justice before. Mark battles but ultimately struggles to become himself.

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