Friday 4 December 2009

Practice opening sequence

Storyboard for practice continuity piece

The production of our group's opening sequence surpassed my expectations to how it would be delivered through fluency and content. The group had to film the entire scene without the benefit of a tripod which surprisingly enabled steady progress on producing the different types of camera shots, from close-up to medium close-up, that we decided to use. I felt that the use of a tripod would have prolonged the delays to deliver the scenes because the equipment was not entirely reliable to use and that we had the fear that it was prone to jamming which would be an unwelcome addition to the production. With the camera being hand-held we felt that a sense of uneasiness is easily created as the perspective is being drawn from behind the character.
At times there have been minor disagreements over when to deliver which type of camera shots, but overall I felt the progress we made as a group over the course of the continuity project fared well with the amount of time that was given to meet the deadline.
To improve the performances in the future, our group must amend for the mistakes that we had initially been unaware of making and ensure they are to be not to be repeated. It would be recommendable that practice comes first before filming a camera shot or scene for the final time so this enables the group members to acknowledge what they are doing in their roles in the process and this avoids any further interferences, such as deciding which type of camera shot to use or deciding to place one scene before or after the other.

Continuity video link:

1 comment:

  1. this is fine, Leroy. i hope you learn from this experience.
